Are you ready for the coming changes?

Are you ready for the coming changes?

How is your life working out at the moment? The reason I ask is that many people are experiencing concerns and challenges, not only with their own personal life situations, relationships, health and finances, but also psychologically with stress fuelled by the doom...

What really happens when we die?

What really happens when we die?

The question of what happens to us when we die fascinates many people, me included. Apparently, I 'died' when I was about 5, and came back only when my mother prayed to the angels! I have attended many spiritual circles where loved ones 'came through' and gave...



With the vision we hold within, we have the power create the world we WANT, rather than the world we don't want! One of their most powerful subversive weapons of directing behaviour, as Noam Chomsky pointed out, is Manufactured Consent. Through the misdirection of our...

Use Three Little Words to Reduce Your Anxiety

Use Three Little Words to Reduce Your Anxiety

In my Public Speaking workshops I train people how to overcome their innate fear of speaking publicly.   I came across this Harvard study which backs up some of what I teach.  Hope you find it helpful. Use Three Little Words to Reduce Your Anxiety by Dr. Mercola By...

Top 7 Foods to Help Fight Depression

Top 7 Foods to Help Fight Depression

Top 7 Foods to Help Fight Depression Researchers created the Antidepressant Food Score (AFS), which reveals the top seven foods with the most nutrient-dense profiles for the prevention of and recovery from mental health disorders. Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE...

Khalil Gibran – The River Trembles….

Khalil Gibran – The River Trembles….

Khalil Gibran on Fear It is said that before entering the sea a river trembles with fear. She looks back at the path she has traveled, from the peaks of the mountains, the long winding road crossing forests and villages. And in front of her, she sees an ocean so vast,...