Welcome to Wisdom to Nourish
John Homewood, founder of Mind Enhancement systems, Wisdom to Nourish and Journeys of Awakening, is an Inspirational Speaker, Teacher and Life Guide, with a passion for sharing the wisdom he has learnt through years of self-reflection, study and life-lessons.
His greatest joy is in guiding others in awakening to their true potential, and helping them to live lives aligned with the inner peace, joy, love and contentment, all of which is contained within the Present Moment.
John calls this move into awakened awareness, “The Shift Experience”.
“In all my years of nearly 80 years I have attended many courses, workshops and seminars but I can honestly say that John’s workshop is the best and most amazing I have ever attended. His presentation, his person, his energy and love moved me beyond words. I came seeking peace and I found more that I had hoped for. Thank you John. Namaste” Colin Katz – Feb 2018

It is clear for all with eyes to see, that life in the Mind/Matrix we are currently experiening and living in, is becoming less and less free, and more and more restrictive and dehumanizing.
However, there is a gift, even in this. Despite all the stress and anexiety, there is a gift that is being offered to us – the gift of surrender and awakening to a new level of consciousness.
John Homewood shares insights and offers us valuable tools to help navigate this journey of awakening.
John willingly imparts wisdom and provides life changing insights, such as:
• A new Map of the ‘Matrix’
• How to uncover our true Power
• How to exit the Matrix
• What the 5th Dimension really is
• Why it is important for us to make a Conscious Shift now
• How to truly heal, and find peace in all this uncertainty, right now

Men’s Retreat
Master Your Mind, Revitalise Your Soul :
The Power of Shifting our Perception
Sun 6 – Tue 8 April 2025
Many men are experiencing a crisis of identity and meaning in their lives right now.
Relationship and careers are in transition, and man men’s hearts are yearning for a more meaningful and soul-centred vision to live their lives by.
What does it mean to be a man in today’s world?
What is required is a fundamental shift in how we see ourselves, our roles, and our purpose in the world.
This Men’s Retreat will facilitate shifts in the quality and experience of a man’s life.
This powerful intervention will assist participants in reducing reducing stress, shifting self-limiting misperceptions and attitudes as well as gaining self-knowledge, self-worth and enhanced emotional balance.
This retreat will open up participants to a new life vision and purpose as well as inculcate mental, spiritual and emotional resilience to help cope with this rapidly changing world.
- Investigate the real issues facing being a ‘man’ today
- Discover insights into sex and relationships
- Shift limiting perceptions & attitudes
- Gain valuable self-knowledge, self-worth & emotional balance
- Learn techniques for letting go of stress from your life altogether
- Inculcate mental and emotional resilience in coping with the rapidly changing world
- Uncover your soul’s tranquillity and inner peace
Plus the following weekend retreat with Michelle McClunan:
THE SHIFT EXPERIENCE: The Art of Being – Part ONE 11 – 13 April 2025
continued with going deeper….
THE SHIFT EXPERIENCE: Living In Joy – Part TWO 13 – 15 April 2025
Are you ready for a life shift?
John Homewood and Michelle McClunan bring their combined forty years of facilitating experience to this two-part retreat, providing you with a gentle, yet powerful process, that will shift, awaken and nourish your whole being. You will leave this retreat greatly refreshed with a new and awakened perspective in life, taking with you practical tools to apply in shifting all areas of your life.

This year we have been through so much already, but I see even more change is coming…
In order to survive and thrive we urgently now have to build our spiritual muscle and mental resilience. It’s all very well having read the books and attended the workshops, but until we can apply that knowledge into our lives in practical ways, that information remains sterile.
Applied knowledge creates Wisdom.
Michelle and I invite you to a 13 week journey of building this muscle and to acquire the self knowledge and practical tools to construct the inner resilience needed to navigate these times of change and emerge transformed.
“…this course is truly transformational and I’m feeling big shifts happening. I am just so grateful to both of you John and Michelle. You have put something together that is truly a gift…” – Dr Janey Little
The insights and wisdom gained will serve you so amazingly well in the path ahead, placing you in a better position to reach out and help others with their journey.
Watch our short clip below, and share with others who may benefit as well.
“The course is transformative… very powerful, real and right for these times. Michelle and John … you two are like shining stars”
– A. Pieczkowska U.K.
“You and Michelle are simply wonderful and I am so grateful that my journey lead me to you both.”
– Trevor D. Kimberly

Change your mind, change your Life, and
live in FLOW...
Finding peace and centredness is the primary goal for most of us as we awaken, but many seek this in the future where, it is hoped, changes in external circumstances will somehow bring peace to into their lives.
This perception however is a devious trick of the mind to keep people a prisoner in time!
True peace and inner contentment is only available to us in the Now.
Ask yourself, “Is my mind clouded with attachments and distractions based in past and future? Do I habitually make time more important than what is now? How often am I centred in the clarity and stillness of Presence?”
What is your answer? Would you like to shift your life?
While much of what happens to us in life may not be our choice, how we go through what happens is, but only if we are conscious, that is aware enough, to choose our attitude and perspective.
How we experience life and what we hold onto to and take with us forward in time can be our choice but only if we are present.
It all boils down to one choice; a fear based perception, or a love based one. Sadly, many people choose unconsciously, and choose a fear based one, robbing themselves of the peace and joy that is their birthright.
Many people do not realise how powerful they really are, and thus remain victims and stuck in their current life circumstances.
KNOW THIS: Nothing shifts till we do!
A series of on-line coaching sessions with John Homewood can radically shift your life.
Welcome to Wisdom to Nourish
John is an Inspirational Speaker and Teacher, with a passion for sharing the wisdom he has learnt through years of self-reflection, study and life-lessons. His greatest joy is to help others see their own lives from a higher and broader perspective, and feel the joy contained within the present moment. John calls this move into new awareness, “The Shift Experience”.
“John’s workshops and retreat are an experiential journey into the deeper truth of who and what you are. If there is any area of your life (relationships, work, health, peace of mind… ) which you would like enriched, I know of no other more powerful tools than those that are shared during ‘the Awakening Shift’ to enable this. Treat yourself, your soul is yearning for it!” – Dr Janey Little November 2017
There are no words to describe the love that has opened up inside of me and the gratitude for all I have and all I am and for you who helped awaken this. Thank you thank you thank you! – Charene
John Homewood has combined his powerful wisdom teachings with Michelle McClunan to create powerful and transformative retreats.
These retreat are a life changing experience, providing you with tools and deep and profound life insights to change your perceptions. Doubt, fear, grief, lack of self-worth, anxiety are replaced with the power of presence, opening the door to love and the joy of a new way of living.
John Homewood has a unique ability of teaching deep universal truths in such an easy to comprehend and apply manor. these teachings are then integrated with experiential exercises and process art sessions facilitated by teacher, astrologer and life coach, Michelle McClunan.
Using a unique combination of wisdom, nature and art, John & Michelle are masters at healing and transforming lives in profound ways.

Just imagine if the world did this right now! – February 2025 Newsletter
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Here’s how to make 2025 a truly successful year!
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Are you ready for the coming changes?
How is your life working out at the moment? The reason I ask is that many people are experiencing concerns and challenges, not only with their own personal life situations, relationships, health and finances, but also psychologically with stress fuelled by the doom...
MindSync – PreciseThinking & Focus (Download)
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MindSync – Golf (Download)
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MindSync-Q.R.T. (Quality Relaxation Time – Beginners guide to Meditation) (Download)
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MindSync – LifeGoal (Download) ON SALE
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MindSync – SeeSlim (CD)
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MindSync – Oasis (Crystal Pools) Download
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MindSync – Oasis (Himalayan Cave)
$1.50 -
MindSync – Oasis (Rose Garden)