THE POWER OF PRESENCE IN RELATIONSHIPS (Download) – lecture with John Homewood


Track Listing:

  1. What Kills Love?
  2. Body Awareness
  3. Unblocking the Flow of Love
  4. The Dualistic Mind – Adam & Eve
  5. Zero Point Field
  6. True Love
  7. The Field Of Love
  8. What Comes Out When You Are Squeezed?
  9. What Is God
  10. Knowing Your True Essence
  11. The Purpose Of Relationships
  12. Bring A Bit Of Joy
  13. Dysfunctionality
  14. When You Recognise Who You Are
  15. A Vehicle Of Experience
  16. The Process Of Transformation
  17. Brain States
  18. Stepping Out Of The Source
  19. Love Is Who You Are
  20. Nothing
  21. Ending Need

Relationships are not there to make us happy; they are there to help us grow…

“All we can ever do is remind each other of our deepest truth – remind each other of who we really are at our core; we are unconditional love, and we are all one in that love.

This is the season of awakening, and we all are here at this time to celebrate the remembering of our own God nature, of our own true magnificence.” – John Homewood

Through relationships we grow more than through any other means.  Through relationships sometimes we create resistance, which in turn leads to anger and resentment, which if not expressed will lead to depression.  However, correctly viewed, they can lead to self- knowledge, peace and enlightenment.

John looks at issues such as transforming co-dependant relationships into what he calls ‘inner dependant’ relationships, which arises out of self-awareness..

With a few simple tools, like an alchemist, we can transform lead into gold.

JOHN HOMEWOOD is an integrative consciousness life coach, inspirational speaker and founder of Wisdom to Nourish.

John has a passion for expanding people’s awareness and understanding of their own potential. His company, Wisdom to Nourish, provides a range of practical self-growth programmes, CDs, books and DVDs. John’s radio talks, workshops and lectures are mind opening and inspire life shifts.

John Homewood was recorded live on the 24th April 2013 at Bodyology, Hillcrest, Kzn, South Africa

1hr 40 min approx.


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