How is your life working out at the moment? The reason I ask is that many people are experiencing concerns and challenges, not only with their own personal life situations, relationships, health and finances, but also psychologically with stress fuelled by the doom & gloom narratives being served up by the media in respect to the world’s political, economic, weather and health situations! 

With the information leaking out daily as to the extent of corruption and coercion by the unelected world bodies, as well as governments, parastatals, NGOs and global corporations by big money and power, there is a growing awareness of ‘dark manipulative forces’ behind global events, and many feel powerless to stop it.
Seeing all this it becomes more and more difficult to remain positive and not go down into spirals of anger, fear and anxiety. 
Realising the immensity of this pervading darkness we may become despondent for our and our children’s future. We may hold feelings of hopelessness and despair.
But is this not also part of the plan? Are we not feeding darkness by becoming anxious and despondent? Do negative energies not beget more negativity?
Negative forces actually feed on the vibrations of fear and anxiety. Fear has been used for thousands of years to control and manipulate the masses, but now is the time to wake up and remember your true power – the power of your very own light.
Now is a good time to pause and consider your options. In the past we have used force to resist. We have had a war on terror, we have had a war on drugs, and we have had a war on cancer and corruption, but did that strategy ever really work?
Despite the war on cancer for example, a century ago we had a 1 in 8000 chance of getting cancer, today that’s now 1 in 2. And what about the war against drugs? Prison populations around the world continue to swell with drug offenders, and yet more drugs are sold than ever before. The truth is that whatever we fight we give energy to, and it grows ever stronger.
Does fighting darkness ever work? No, darkness is merely the absence of light. Darkness has no power other than that of misperception. Shine a light onto a shadow and it disappears, magically, all of its own, no efforting involved.
Once we bring light to darkness, there is no need to resist or fight anything – for darkness cannot exist in the presence of light. The more light we allow in, the less darkness can exists. 
The first step is to recognise the light that we are and have always been! While our attention and perception has been misdirected to the shadows both within and without, we cannot not be who and what we ARE.
We were birthed in the image and similitude of Light. Now is the time to remember who and what we really are. Now is the time to wake up from the dream of misperception, and know, experientially, who and what we really are – beyond time, space and form. It has been said that only those who know who they really are will survive. I don’t know if this is true, but I do know now is a good time to wake up to the light of our true Being.
Our real work right now is to be the peace & light we seek to see in the world – to be an open channel for light to enter our life and the world. 
Now is the time to make wise and conscious lifestyle choices, for ourselves and our families. Now is a good time to let go of all inner resistance. And above all, and most importantly, to be more present in our daily living.
The ingredients for a New Earth are being birthed within you right now are.
• Awareness,
• Forgiveness,
• Compassion, and above all,
• Love
 All of these flow to and through an awakened mind, just as water flows through an open tap, with no effort or doing on the tap’s behalf.
The key to being open to the Light is our PRESENCE. 
Remember: Your point of power is always in the present moment.
Releasing the past and future as our habitual ‘go to’ state of mind, and inviting presence opens the tap and allows grace and miracles to flow through into the world you meet today! 
The decision to make the present moment more important to you than either past or future is the magic light switch and antidote to all darkness.
To be present means to release, to open, and to let go of any and all internal resistance to the flow of life right now.
Become an open channel for light in just this moment. You can do it!
Remember, it only takes one candle to light a room…
Here is a powerful affirmation to be repeated over and over again each day at this time:
“I am surrounded and protected by light at all times.
All my needs are provided for in every moment. 
Personal awakening (clearing the blockages to the Light), being more creative and working with the state of FLOW, are vital tools for transitioning these changing times with stability and inner peace. 
If you would like help with your journey of awakening, I am available for one-on-one coaching. WhatsApp 082 568 2777 or email me.


Additionally, I have come across an amazingly effective product – LifeWave (crystal patches), that activate and direct your body’s own light to enable rapid and sometimes even miraculous physical healing. For info on the magic of LifeWave see:

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